Module shioridll

The SHIORI DLL interface

This is released under MIT License.

How to make SHIORI.DLL

write your myshiori.nim like below...

import shioridll
import strutils

shioriLoadCallback = proc(str: string): bool =

shioriRequestCallback = proc(str: string): string =
  if str.contains("SHIORI/2"):
    "SHIORI/3.0 400 Bad Reuqest\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\n\n"
  elif str.contains("ID: name"):
    "SHIORI/3.0 200 OK\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\nValue: nimshiori\n\n"
  elif str.contains("ID: version"):
    "SHIORI/3.0 200 OK\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\nValue: 0.0.1\n\n"
  elif str.contains("ID: craftman"):
    "SHIORI/3.0 200 OK\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\nValue: narazaka\n\n"
  elif str.contains("ID: OnBoot"):
    "SHIORI/3.0 200 OK\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\nValue: \\0\\s[0]aaaaaa\\e\n\n"
    "SHIORI/3.0 204 No Content\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: nimshiori\n\n"

shioriUnloadCallback = proc(): bool =

# for test
when appType != "lib":
  main("C:\\ssp\\ghost\\nim\\", @[
    "GET SHIORI/3.0\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: embryo\nID: version\n\n",
    "GET SHIORI/3.0\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: embryo\nID: OnBoot\n\n",

then make 32bit dll...

nim c --app:lib -d:release --cc:vcc --cpu:i386 myshiori.nim

You also may be able to use gcc or some other compilers.

Useful way

You can use shiori module for parsing SHIORI request and building SHIORI response and can use shiori_charset_convert module for auto converting charset as below...

import shioridll
import shiori
import shiori_charset_convert
import tables

var dirpath: string

shioriLoadCallback = proc(dirpathStr: string): bool =
  dirpath = dirpathStr

shioriRequestCallback = autoConvertShioriMessageCharset(proc(requestStr: string): string =
  let request = parseRequest(requestStr)
  var response = newResponse(headers = {"Charset": "UTF-8", "Sender": "nimshiori"}.newOrderedTable)
  if request.version != "3.0":
    response.statusCode = 400
    return $response

    of "name":
      response.value = "nimshiori"
    of "version":
      response.value = "0.0.1"
    of "craftman":
      response.value = "narazaka"
    of "OnBoot":
      response.value = r"\0\s[0]aaaaaa\e"
      response.status = Status.No_Content


shioriUnloadCallback = proc(): bool =

# for test
when appType != "lib":
  main("C:\\ssp\\ghost\\nim\\", @[
    "GET SHIORI/3.0\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: embryo\nID: version\n\n",
    "GET SHIORI/3.0\nCharset: UTF-8\nSender: embryo\nID: OnBoot\n\n",


shioriLoadCallback*: proc (dirpath: string): bool
SHIORI load()
shioriRequestCallback*: proc (requestStr: string): string
SHIORI request()
shioriUnloadCallback*: proc (): bool
SHIORI unload()


proc main*(dirpathStr: string; requestStrs: seq[string]): void

performs load() request()s unload() for test

this will removed when --app:lib